Award Success

UHUK Awards 2024
Technological Innovation Award
In recognition of GMUPCA’s utilisatioin of the Booking and Referral Standard (BaRs).
Since go live:
– 40,000 cases have been successfully transfet=rred via BaRs
– 51% of cases were validated with an ambulance response
– 21.8% received an ambulance upgrade following CAS clinician assessment
This has meant a faster response rate for the patient and better patient outcomes.

UHUK Awards 2023
Best Partnership Award
For collaborative working that has had a profound impact on patient care to enhance the lives nof residents of GM. Highlights include:
– Releasing c63,875 ambulance response hours per year
– c40,000 virtual ward bed days delivered
– 0.5 million GMAS cases
– c200,000 cases per annum
– Hundreds of thousands of direct bookings across Greater Manchester and the merging of a single patient record system across GMUPCA partners

HSJ Awards 2021
Provider Collaboration of the Year
Through collaboration delivered integrated Urgent and Emergency Care at scale for Greater Manchester including:
– GM 999 and 111 Clinical Assessment Services
– GM Dental Integrtaed Urgent Triage (dental call handling and dental nurses)
– Integrated 111 & CAS digital case transfer solution to GM Emergency Departnments with DNA safeguarding.

HSJ Awards 2020
Integrated Care Partnership of the Year
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HSJ Value Awards 2020
Highly Commended
HSJ Value Award of the Year
Greater Manchester Urgent Primary Care Alliance (in collaboration with NWAS and the GMHSCP) for the Clinical Assessment Services Pilot
The judges saw this as a very good example of working in partnership to achieve good outcomes for the benefit of the patient.
They felt the financial savings alone justified the success of the project but the improvement in quality for patients, reductions in A&E attendance and release of ambulance time is even more impartant.